Sunday, April 22, 2012

24-hour Library Knitting Challenge

During the last two weeks of the semester, affectionately known as Dead Week and Exam Week here at Purdue, two of the libraries on campus remain open 24 hours a day. One of them happens to be one of my libraries. As a result, for two weeks, I work weird hours. While I might not particularly enjoy going to work at 3:30 am, it's a good idea to remind myself WHY I'm doing it.

We're there so that students can have access to the resources they need to study for exams and complete their final projects. They are working really hard to do well. They are sort of like academic Olympians. They are pushing themselves both mentally and physically to perform well. They've spent the last 14 weeks preparing for these final exams and projects; now is their time to test everything they have learned.

So, in the spirit of Knitting Olympics, I've decided to present myself with a 24-hour Library Knitting Challenge. The Knitting Olympics take place during the real Olympic Games. Knitters all over the world choose challenging knitting projects, pledge to cast on during the Opening Ceremonies and set a goal for themselves to finish their projects before the end of Closing Ceremonies. I have participated in Knitting Olympics three times--and I failed twice. Once because I ran out of yarn and once because I fell ill two days into the games. The whole point is to challenge your skills and abilities while watching the Olympic athletes do the same.

Well, if I'm going to spend the next two weeks watching students challenge themselves academically, I should do the same knitademically. :) 24-hour Library began this morning at 11am. It ends Saturday, May 5 at 5pm. Today, I chose my pattern, the Dovecote Triangle by Anne Hanson.  I'll be using Briar Rose Sea Pearl yarn in two colorways--a green with blue and purple; and a purple with a little green. I purchased the former skein yesterday; I purchased the latter several years ago.  I love this yarn so much there aren't even words. I've entered the pattern into Knit Companion on my iPad, and I'm ready to cast on.  For the next two weeks, I'll be spending every free minutes I have working on this shawl. Should be a fun challenge!

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